Saturday, December 26, 2009

For all prime numbers a, b, and c, a虏 + b虏 <> c虏. <> denotes not equal to. How to proof by contradiction?

This statement needs to be proofed by contradiction.For all prime numbers a, b, and c, a虏 + b虏 %26lt;%26gt; c虏. %26lt;%26gt; denotes not equal to. How to proof by contradiction?
John's proof is essentially correct, but he assumed a little more than he should have. He assumed that when you factored to


neither of those factors are equal to 1. However, if c = 3 and a = 2, then the factor c-a is equal to 1. So, you would also have to show that this particular case is also impossible, probably with a direct argument.

It's also worth mentioning that this proof doesn't completely account for the case of a = c, all though, one extra step would take care of that. Since this would imply a-c = 0, we would have

b^2 = (a+c)(a-c) = 0

Of course, this is a contradiction, since it would mean b is both prime and zero.For all prime numbers a, b, and c, a虏 + b虏 %26lt;%26gt; c虏. %26lt;%26gt; denotes not equal to. How to proof by contradiction?
Suppose for contradiction that




so we have found two integers not equal to 1 or b that multiply to give b. Contradicting the assumption that b is prime

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