Monday, December 21, 2009

What is the easiest way to teach my five year old child on how to begin to divide numbers? pls help..?

At this age she needs concrete materials to manipulate and touch.

Show her 4 objects (the same, like apples, oranges etc). Tell her that you are going to share them between you and her. One for me, one for you etc...

When she can do it herself, increase the number ie 6, 8. Keep the idea of sharing the same.

Once she can go to 10 or so, introduce another person to share between ie you, her and teddy.

Eventually she will be able to do it on paper by circling the groups.What is the easiest way to teach my five year old child on how to begin to divide numbers? pls help..?
It cannot be done!

a child's brain has to develop through stages before it can form abstract thoughts.

the idea of division is quite abstract.

A five year old is still learning to count, and maybe to add but still relies on physical objects that it can see and touch.

It is learning that the symbol ';3'; means X X X actual things.

give the child opportunities not assignments.What is the easiest way to teach my five year old child on how to begin to divide numbers? pls help..?
Get him to figure out how many biscuits / sweets etc. he and his friends can have each, if you have a certain number in total.

Actually you'd normally do basic multiplication first. If we all have two crackers for lunch and there are four of us, how many crackers do I need to get out? And so on.
If he's only 5 I don't think you need to worry about that yet. If he's at a level where he's ready to try it great but I wouldn't push him too hard. I thought division didn't start until somewhere closer to the 3rd grade.
uhh hes only five he should be learning adding and subtracting not multiplying and dividing. maybe wait til hes more towards third grade dont pus em to much that will make him/her hate school.

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