Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mathematics Question For Help?? forget the numbering?

2:A store is selling all of its items for 33% off. Write the percent of discount as a fraction in simplest form.

3: leahs investment account earns 6% annualy. Write the percent as a decimal.

5:write .7 as a percent

7: Write .36 as a percentMathematics Question For Help?? forget the numbering?



7=36%Mathematics Question For Help?? forget the numbering?
the best answer chosen has half the answers wrong. Report Abuse

2: 33/100

3: .06

5: 70%

7: 36%

if you need to convert percent to a decimal divide by 100 and if you need to change a decimal to a percentage then multiply by 100.
2: 33/100

3: 0.06

5: 70%

7: 36%
2. 33/100.

3. .06

5. 70%

7/ 36%




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