Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How big do the debt and deficit numbers have to get before people say that's too much?

Anyone who says we've got to spend to work our way out of this mess and especailly those who totally blame Bush for our situation need to read this article.


I don't know who got this whole we'll spend our way to prosperity idea started. But who ever it was was wrong.

Are you going to a tea party somewhere next Wednesday?How big do the debt and deficit numbers have to get before people say that's too much?
Probably if the debt service gets to be over 5% of the GDP, many people will start thinking that is too much.How big do the debt and deficit numbers have to get before people say that's too much?
Think of it this way, its not our debt.

Did you spend any of those trillions?

Did you sign papers for them?

Did you ask for any money?

You have zero responsibility for any of it, same goes for every human being living within the borders of the US.

The US government will default on its debt, its just a matter of time.

I hope whatever replaces it will be better than the current system.
Maybe the Pied Piper will sell all the rats and pay off our debt.

I hope he takes the rats he brought with him.
The numbers are so large now they are meaningless.

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