Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to turn decimals into fraction or mixed numbers?

How do I Turn this decimal 1.25 as a fraction or mixed number in to a simplest form. also 0.65 ,3.29 ,5.6. ThanksHow to turn decimals into fraction or mixed numbers?
1.25 the 1 is a whole number so it will be a whole number in your

mixed number.

the .25 is 25 hundredths so put 25 over 100 and reduce it

so right now you have 1 25/100 you can divide 25 and 100 by 25

then you get 1 1/4 as your mixed number

Rule of thumb: if you have one digit after decimal, put that number over 10 to make a fraction

if you have two digits after the decimal then put the number over 100

if you have three digits after the decimal then put the number over 1000, ....there is a pattern here.

2. 0.65 you don't have a whole number in front of the decimal, so you will just have a fraction.....not a mixed number.

you have two digits after the decimal (to the right of decimal) so put 65 over 100 and you get 65/100 ...now reduce it

65 and 100 can both be divided by 5 so you get 13/20 in simplest form

3. 3.29 3 is your whole number so you will have a mixed number and 3 is the whole number for the mixed number

.29 has two digits so you put it over 100

so you have 3 29/100 and since 29 is prime and doesn't divide into 100 evenly, you are done. that is your answer.

4. 5.6 5 is whole number for mixed number

6 is one digit after decimal so put it over 10 and reduce 6/10

both 6 and 10 can be divided by 2 so you get 3/5

answer 5 3/5How to turn decimals into fraction or mixed numbers?
Think of 1.25 as $1 and 25 cents. 25 cents is one fourth of one dollar, so the fraction is 1 1/4 or 5/4.

.65 = 65/100 = 13/20

3.29 = 329/100

5.6 = 56/10 = 28/5
1 1/4


3 29/100

5 3/5
1 and 25 hundreths
easy fifth grade

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